
As a New York Dental Forum member, take advantage of special discounts from NYDF Sponsors, participate in hands on clinical demonstrations, and comprehensive treatment planning of advanced interdisciplinary cases. Receive ADA & AGD accreditation for all our programs. For your convenience we now have a Website visit to view all our programs, speakers and sponsors and much more.

About our Benefits:
– Zimmer Bioment Exclusive Member discount of 10% off all implant restorative materials.
– Brasseler USA – Special pricing for all members
– Reduced fee for Credit Card Merchant Services with Benchmark Business Services Payment Systems.
– Plus so much more…..
– Directors: Dr. Brian Chadroff, Dr. Neil Karnofsky, Dr. Michael Lenchner, Dr. Constantine Pavlakos, Dr. Joseph Zona, Dr. Jerry Rosenberg, Dr. Gary Ruth

If you would like additional information contact Rachel York at 718-275-8879 or